The competitive situation in the mobile communications market - public version © Photo Credit: Kittiphat -

The competitive situation in the mobile communications market - public version

This report analyses the competitive situation on the German mobile communications market. On the basis of a comprehensive empirical study, the report concludes that there is effective competition on both the retail and wholesale markets in the area of public mobile telephony and that there are no indications of a future worsening of competitive conditions to the detriment of end customers.

The objective of this report is to support the Federal Network Agency in assessing the competitive situation on the German mobile communications market (retail and wholesale market). This forward-looking assessment is based on the analysis of measurable indicators and comparative figures (e.g. market shares, price development, quality of supply, investments), which individually only have a limited explanatory value with regard to the question posed, but as a whole allow conclusions to be drawn about the current and future competitive situation. It should be noted at this point that this study does not provide a market definition or market analysis in accordance with Sections 10 et seq. TKG and does not replace a corresponding analysis by the Federal Network Agency. Accordingly, no counterfactual analysis is carried out to assess the competitive situation. In addition to collecting and analysing indicators and benchmarks, WIK-Consult/EY conducted a detailed market consultation of mobile network operators, service providers/MVNOs without their own radio network, providers of line-based telecommunications services and radio tower companies. For this purpose, extensive questionnaires were sent out and interviews were conducted with the stakeholders in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the competitive situation on the above-mentioned markets.

On the basis of a comprehensive empirical study, the report concludes that there is effective competition on both the retail and wholesale markets in the area of public mobile telephony and that there are no indications of a future worsening of competitive conditions to the detriment of end customers.